How much to charge as a virtual assistant

The growing demand for virtual assistants has revolutionized the modern workforce. More businesses are recognizing the efficiency and flexibility that VAs bring to the table. But the pivotal question remains: How much should you charge as a virtual assistant?

How Much Should I Charge as a Virtual Assistant?

How much to charge as a virtual assistant
Photo by Anna Shvets on

When deciding how much to charge as a virtual assistant, you need to consider a variety of factors. Understanding virtual assistant rates can be tricky, but with a bit of research and planning, you can set a rate that is fair and competitive. This guide will help you navigate the virtual assistant pricing stress and make informed decisions. Below are the factors to keep in mind when pricing your services as a freelancer, VA, video editor etc.

1. Understand Virtual Assistant Rates

The first step in setting your rate is understanding what other virtual assistants are charging. Virtual assistant rates can vary widely depending on the type of services you offer as a virtual assistant, experience level, and geographic location. Researching current VA rates in your area and industry will give you a good starting point.

2. Types of Services

As a virtual assistant, you can offer many different services. These might include administrative tasks, social media management, content creation, podcast management, or customer support. The type of service you provide will impact how much to charge for virtual assistant services. Specialized services often command higher rates.

3. Experience Level

Your level of experience is another crucial factor. If you are just starting out, you might need to set lower rates to attract clients. As you gain more experience and build a portfolio, you can increase your rates. Experienced virtual assistants often charge more because they bring valuable skills and knowledge to the table.

4. Geographic Location

Where you and your clients are located can also affect virtual assistant rates. In some regions, clients might be willing to pay more for virtual assistant services. Research the typical rates in your area to ensure your pricing is competitive but fair. However, it doesn’t mean you have to accept the low rates because of where you come from. Your experience matters as well.

Pricing Models

There are different ways to charge for virtual assistant services. The most common methods are hourly rates, project-based pricing, and retainer agreements. Each has its pros and cons, so you should choose the one that best fits your business model.

  • Hourly Rates: Charging an hourly rate is straightforward and flexible. It works well for tasks that vary in time or for clients who need ongoing support. To set your virtual assistant hourly rate, consider your desired monthly or annual income, expenses, and the number of hours you plan to work each week. How long does it take you to complete the task?
  • Project-Based Pricing: For specific tasks with clear deliverables, project-based pricing might be a better option. This method allows you to set a fixed price for a project, regardless of how much time it takes. This can be advantageous if you can complete tasks quickly and efficiently.
  • Retainer Agreements: Retainer agreements are ideal for clients who need regular support. With this model, clients pay a set fee each month for a certain number of hours or services. This provides you with a steady income and helps with budgeting.

How to Set Your Rates as a VA

Once you understand the factors that influence virtual assistant rates, you can start setting your own rates. Here is a simple virtual assistant pricing guide to help you determine your rates:

  1. Calculate your desired annual income.
  2. Add up your business expenses.
  3. Determine how many hours you plan to work each week.
  4. Calculate your hourly rate.

For example, if you want to make $50,000 a year and your expenses are $10,000, you need to make $60,000 total. If you plan to work 40 hours a week for 50 weeks, that’s 2,000 hours a year. Divide $60,000 by 2,000 to get an hourly rate of $30.

Value-Based Pricing

Another approach is value-based pricing. Instead of charging by the hour, you charge based on the value you provide to the client. For instance, if your work will help a client earn an additional $10,000, you might charge a percentage of that amount. This can often lead to higher earnings, especially if you are highly skilled.

Adjusting Your Rates

Your rates should not be static. As you gain more experience and skills, you should adjust your rates accordingly. Review your rates regularly and compare them to the current market virtual assistant rates. If you find that your rates are below average, consider increasing them.

Communicating Your Rates

Once you have set your rates, it’s essential to communicate them clearly to potential clients. Be transparent about your pricing structure and what services are included. This will help manage client expectations and avoid misunderstandings.

Handling Rate Objections

Some clients might object to your rates. When this happens, be prepared to explain the value of your services. Highlight your experience, skills, and the benefits they will receive from working with you. If a client still cannot afford your rates, consider offering a scaled-back service package or suggesting a different pricing model.

Marketing Your Services

Effective marketing is crucial for attracting clients who are willing to pay your rates. Use social media, online job boards, and networking events to promote your virtual assistant business. A professional website showcasing your services, rates, and testimonials can also be a valuable tool.

Building Client Relationships

Strong client relationships are the foundation of a successful virtual assistant business. Deliver high-quality work consistently, communicate effectively, and be responsive to client needs. Happy clients are more likely to refer you to others and provide positive reviews, helping you build your reputation and attract more clients.

Keeping Track of Your Finances

Keeping track of your income and expenses is essential for managing your virtual assistant business. Use accounting software to help you stay organized and ensure you are on track to meet your financial goals. Regularly reviewing your finances will help you identify areas where you can cut costs or increase your rates.

Learn & Learn

The virtual assistant industry is constantly growing. Staying updated with the latest tools, technologies, and best practices will help you remain competitive. Consider taking online courses, attending webinars, or joining professional organizations to enhance your skills and knowledge.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the average hourly rate for a virtual assistant?The average hourly rate for a virtual assistant can vary widely, but it typically ranges from $15 to $50 per hour, depending on experience, location, and services offered.
2. How do I determine my rates as a new virtual assistant?As a new virtual assistant, start by researching industry standards and competitor rates. Consider your skills, experience, and the value you provide. Set a rate that is competitive but also reflects your worth.
3. Can I change my rates after I start working with a client?Yes, you can change your rates, but it’s important to communicate any changes to your clients in advance. Give them enough notice and explain the reasons for the rate increase. Consider negotiating a new rate or offering a phased increase.
4. Should I offer discounts to attract clients?Offering discounts can attract new clients, but be cautious not to undervalue your services. Consider offering a limited-time discount or a package deal instead of lowering your rates permanently.
5. How do I handle clients who think my rates are too high?When clients think your rates are too high, explain the value of your services and how they benefit the client. Be prepared to negotiate, but don’t undersell yourself. If necessary, offer a scaled-back service package that fits their budget.

#2 Cents as a virtual assistant

Determining how much to charge as a virtual assistant involves careful consideration of various factors, including your experience, the type of services you offer, and the market rates in your area. By understanding these factors and using them to set your rates, you can build a successful virtual assistant business. Remember to review and adjust your rates regularly to ensure they reflect your growing experience and the value you provide to your clients.


  • Online job boards. See these leading companies
  • Virtual assistant forums
  • Professional organizations
  • Online courses and webinars like this one
  • Accounting software for small businesses