Writers & Spire Solutions

How much to charge as a virtual assistant

The growing demand for virtual assistants has revolutionized the modern workforce. More businesses are recognizing the efficiency and flexibility that VAs bring to the table. But the pivotal question remains: How much should you charge as a virtual assistant?

Here is all you need to know when pricing your VA services.

Best Day to Release a Podcast Episode for More Plays

The best day to release a podcast episode for more plays is not a clear-cut answer. It depends on your target audience, the type of content you produce, and your personal schedule. However, some general guidelines suggest that releasing on Tuesdays or Wednesdays may lead to more plays.

How to Start a Podcast for Free And Monetize It Instantly

Starting a podcast is easier than you think! If you want to start a podcast for free, I mean with zero dollars, begin by using your smartphone or a basic microphone for recording. Free software like Audacity can help with editing. Many platforms offer free podcasting hosting, so you don’t need to worry about expensive fees.