Last Updated on March 4, 2020 by Ludiah
What are the best and easiest ways to get traffic to your blog? This is the question every blog owner is asking. Every business is moving to online, and everyone wants to have a blog. But what no one tells you is that

building a successful blog is not as simple as creating a website. Anyone who has had a blog can tell you the frustration experienced when trying to grow readership. Yes! You can quickly get frustrated and surrender on blogging.
But after you experience the advantages, you will know that your website can have an incredible effect on your freelance business. This is by drawing traffic to your blog and helping you grow your social media audience. While we would all like it if our readers came magically to us, the honesty here is, it takes hard work to grow an audience. There is a strategy for increasing a website traffic. Even though what works for me may not work for you, one or two of these ways should be relevant and useful. Below are eight proven ways to increase traffic to your website.
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Identify your Niche
First things first! You are not going to blog about anything that closes your mind. Identify your niche first. It is easy to confuse your readers if your content does not follow a precise topic. Decide your target audience, what they would be interested in reading and the type of message you want to pass across. Whether your niche is weight loss, health or baby, there is always an audience for you.
Write Eye-Catching Titles
How many times have we read a blog because the title was too catchy for us to ignore? Think about the viral content. What makes it go viral? It is the titles of course. The blog titles are as important as the post itself. The title of your blog can make your potential readers to either click on your link or ignore. From your title, the reader is assured of the solution he wants to have. When writing your blog post, write titles that entice your readers. After all, no one would want to read your article if the title is boring. Catchy titles are the best and simple ways to get traffic to your website.
Use SEO as One of The Ways to Get Traffic to your Blog
One of the best ways to get traffic to your website is to write content that is search engine friendly. Using SEO to drive traffic to your blog does not mean staffing your blog post with keywords. The best way is to optimize the article for a single term. You can include the keywords in the title and one or two subtitles. Include the keywords naturally in your post.
Use the terms that your readers are likely to use to find your blog. If you use platforms such as WordPress, SEO is simple. Search engines like it when visitors find exactly what they want. If you use it well, you will gain more traffic from search engines as they use your optimized keywords to understand what your blog post is all about. If you are new to SEO and want to learn this, check out this Introduction to SEO and Keywords course.
Include Photos
Even before we go far, we all know many people love taking photos. Similarly, they would enjoy seeing them in your posts. Incorporating photos in posts is among the proven ways to get traffic to your blog. A Facebook post with a picture gets more attention than a text post. Images make a post visually tempting. You can boost readership if you include the phrases in the Alt Image text of the photo. But it is important to note that you cannot use any image from Google. Instead, use royalty-free images.
Promote your Blog Post on Social Media
This is one of the critical ways to get traffic to your blog. If you are looking to increase traffic to your website, it is vital to promote your blog on social media. Add social share buttons to your posts to make it easier for anyone to share. If you share informative and engaging content on your social media platforms, you can get more traffic to your blog. Promoting your articles on Twitter and Facebook is one of the easiest ways to get to traffic to your blog.
Post Regularly
When it comes to Google, it tends to give priority to websites with fresh content. According to studies, blogs that are updated regularly receive more traffic than those that are not frequently updated. The more you write, the more the topics for people to check on your blog. It is also good to update your blog at least twice in a week. If you have a schedule in place, your readers will always be checking back because they know when to anticipate for new content on your website. There are no other unique ways to get traffic to your blog than using the usual tactics.
Comment on Other Blogs
Find blogs within your niche comment. Otherwise who will know your blog exists if you do not get out there? Comment something that will add value to the post and not just for the sake of linking back to increase traffic to your website. Make the author want to have you commenting every now and again. If you do not do commenting the right way, your comment may be considered spam and deleted.
Answer Questions on Q&A sites
You have probably come across quora when searching for some writing tips. Those answers you read last time were too beneficial to you. But did you know you can gain more traffic to your website by answering questions in your niche? There are many Q&A sites on the web, use them to increase traffic to your blog. The questions and the answers get millions of views, and some would love to read the original post you linked to (on your blog). This way, you get to increase traffic to your blog without struggling.
If you are looking for the easiest ways to get traffic to your blog, you now have eight of them. Try these techniques and build a successful blog. Please don’t forget to share the strategies you use to increase traffic to your website in the comment section below.