Write and Get Paid Instantly

Write and Get Paid Instantly

Last Updated on December 19, 2022 by Ludiah

For Write and get paid instantly
Writers & Spire Solutions

Ever been in an emergency and said to yourself I need money now? If so, there are so many ways to get money fast. But have you ever thought that you can write and get paid instantly from the comfort of your home? If you haven’t, I have good news for you. You can get paid instantly through PayPal writing articles.

Can writing replace your full-time job? While at the beginning it might not, it can replace your full-time job once you get into it and learn the ropes. In the beginning, it can be challenging to find jobs but things get easier as you learn how to wow clients and keep them forever. However, writing is not a make money quick scheme and it’s not for the faint-hearted.

If you are gifted in writing, you can turn your skill into a money-making machine. Whether you need instant cash or just need a long-term side hustle, writing can help you pay your bills. In this article, I’m going to share the easy ways to write and get paid instantly while working around your existing schedule.

Others read: Get paid to write about anything

Write and get paid instantly

Before I share the ways you can use to write and earn money, I want to share some of the things you need to get started as a freelance writer. While some opt to start without having at some of the things I mention below, it’s important to check this list.

Don’t have time to read? Get this list and read it later.

Things you need to start your freelance writing

Since you are new, you will need a few things to get paid instantly to write.

Know yourself

Before anything, identify what you are good at. For example, if you are good at writing fiction you will have to focus on that. If you are good at writing blog posts, that is what you will focus on. Knowing who you are, helps you to know what to do and where to find clients. In simple terms, I’m saying, know your passion, your area of interest or expertise. As I said earlier, this makes it easy to find jobs when you know what you are interested in or passionate about.

For instance, if you are a doctor, you could become a freelance writer focusing on topics in the medical or health niche. This can be easy for you because you understand that field more than anything else. Well, what are some of the skills that you have in the present job that you can use to write articles and get paid instantly today? Start finding yourself now.


Even if you are gifted in writing, you need to know how writing for websites works. There are online terminologies that clients may use and you might not be aware of them. Spend some days learning about these things. Most freelance writing courses are not expensive and you can spend only a few days learning. You don’t need an entire month to learn these writing skills. Getting training will help you know the article writing formats that you can use, where to find clients, and the different types of articles available. Check this freelance writing course here and this is what is known as investing in yourself.

A laptop in good condition

You need a laptop with the current operating software and a good text editor such as Microsoft Word or Write!. This can help you write and save your content before submitting it. You don’t need $1000 to find a good laptop. Even with as low as $500, you can find the best laptops for writers on a budget. If you are new to text editors, you need to learn this as well. If you can’t find a good laptop, consider working from a library or cyber. But this only depends on your working times and can be a good option if you work during the day.

Write articles and get paid instantly

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Now that you know the key things that you need when starting out your freelance writing career, here are some of the sites where you can write articles and earn money instantly. You can write and get paid instantly in the UK or Africa.

Write for Best Pickist

This is a website that focuses on user guides and buying guides on different products. If you are a product review writer or can write ultimate guides or the best 10 kind of articles, this is your chance to get paid instantly. In their instructions, the website directs that you must target long-tail keywords. Also, if you are a lifestyle writer, you can get paid to write for this website. Make sure your article is not less than 1000 words.

The good thing with Best Pickist is that you set your rates. You can also apply as a guest writer or paid writer. If you don’t want to be paid to write for this website???, you can apply as a guest writer. Apply here to start writing and make sure you follow all their instructions.


Get paid to share your true story with RD

Do you have a true-life story that you think could interest someone to read? If you said yes, Reader’s Digest will pay you $100 to send them or share your true story in 100 words or less. So, this means you have to be creative to impress someone in just 100 words. If you think you are up for the game, see their guidelines here and get paid $100 for 100 words.

Get Paid $100 by Listverse

Listverse will pay you 100 dollars to write for them if you are from the following countries; South Africa, the US, Ireland, the UK, Canada, NZ, and Australia. If you have good English, love interesting or unusual things, and have a good sense of humor, this website will pay you to write for them. All they need is for you to write a list of ten items and talk about them in two paragraphs and send it to them. If they like your content, they will pay you $100. Ready to make $100? Check their guidelines here and write and get paid instantly.


For Write and get paid instantly
Writers & Spire Solutions

This is one of the best platforms where you should start your freelance writing career. The best thing about dotWriter is that you write articles and sell them at your preferred price. You also have editors for free to check your content. It’s like you are learning while being paid to write. Instead of you searching for clients, it’s them who search for your content. That means if you write good content, you can make good money from this platform.


Let’s say you write 10 articles every month and you sell each at $30. That means you have $300 extra money each month. Do you see how you can easily make 300 dollars fast every month? What are you waiting for? Sign up here. If you are also looking for content for your website, you can get it on this platform.

Write and get paid instantly by Fiverr

Fiverr is a freelance website whose headquarter is in Tel Aviv, Israel. You can use this platform to sell or buy services. Whether you are a writer or a transcriber, this website is for everyone. All you need is to sign up and start creating gigs to sell to clients. Gigs start from as low as $5. You price your gig and decide how much clients should pay you for your services.

Let’s say this platform offers you an opportunity for low-paying writing gigs. For example, you can create a gig like, I will a 500-word article for $15. The amount you can earn a month depends on how many gigs you sell and how much you charge. Make sure you include all the details of your services on your gig. Here is a guide on how to succeed selling on Fiverr.


For Write and get paid instantly
Get paid to write

While you can get paid to write on OneSpace, there are other tasks that you can do on this platform to earn extra dollars. The website offers tasks from research to data entry. And since most of the jobs on OneSpace are easy to handle, it makes it a good platform for beginners. Therefore, when you sign up on this site, expect to do more than write. For this website, you will need to register and take some tests, and if you pass, you will start seeing jobs for your level.

There are four levels of proficiency and they include beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert level. As you move to the next level, your earnings increase. Apart from that, this platform has a proficiency leveling program where freelancers who write great articles get rewarded. Sign up for free here and get paid to transcribe or write.

Write for cracked.com ( They no longer pay writers)

Are you creative and passionate about writing? If you do, get paid to write listicle articles for cracked.com. Also, in case you enjoy comedy writing or sharing comedy images, this website will pay you to do exactly that. They are always in need of people who can create exciting, educational images that people are willing to share on different social media platforms. Examples of content they want include “Time, 24 Beautifully-Acted Scenes You Probably Missed.” If the above describes you, check out their write for us page here. You could earn up to $200 per post.

The Penny Hoarder

This website will pay you to write original articles on various topics. They want articles that are very informative and can assist their readers to earn, save or increase their money. If you have some actionable tips that you can share with the readers or audience of The Penny Hoarder website, this is your chance to make money writing. They prefer articles to be at 700 words. See their guidelines here. However, you will not write and get paid instantly. But if you send them a pitch and they accept it, only then will the editors will discuss your payment. Not sure how to do this? Check out these tips.


Ever heard of this website before? If not, you need to check it out now. But wait! IncomeDiary will pay you between $200 and $500 to write informative and comprehensive blog posts on keyword research and specifically using tools like SemRush or Ahrefs. If you have experience or expert knowledge in search engine optimization, feel free to pitch them here.


Get paid to write for LiisBeth

Are you a feminist and can’t find somewhere to share your views on politics and entrepreneurship? Don’t worry, you can get paid $100+ to write or share your perspective. LiisBeth is an online magazine that welcomes contributions from great writers like you who want to get paid instantly. They welcome contributions in these areas of enterprise, innovation, feminism, and policy and systems critique. You can read more about their contributor guidelines here if you are ready to write and get paid instantly.


While you may not write and get paid instantly, you will, in the end, make good money. What we want to prove here is that you can make money writing as a freelancer. Now that you know where to get writing gigs, have you identified your area of expertise?